
Investors of Guggenheim Shipping ETF Could Recover Losses Through Securities Arbitration

Investors who suffered losses as a result of their broker’s recommendation of Guggenheim Shipping ETF are seeking the help of investment fraud lawyers in recovering their losses. Guggenheim Shipping ETF is a targeted ETF that tries to track the shipping industry. In general, the shipping industry can be a leveraged play — when there is a strong demand for freight transportation — on the global economy. However, as a result of the decreasing demand for raw materials from emerging markets, the need for shipping services has decreased. Reportedly, the Guggenheim Shipping ETF is down 46 percent, which is bad news for many investors. Luckily, investors who suffered significant losses may have a valid securities arbitration claim.

Brokers, and brokerage firms, have a fiduciary duty to their clients. They must research an investment prior to making a recommendation to an investor, to establish that the investment is suitable. It must be appropriate for each individual investor, taking into consideration the investor’s investment objectives, investment experience, net worth and age. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has a dispute resolution form where investors can settle disputes with their brokerage firms relating to unsuitability and other forms of stock broker fraud.

Brokers have been known to sell ETFs and ETNs as conservative ways to track a sector of the market, or the market as a whole. However, complicated trading strategies are necessary to accomplish this, and using these investments to track a sector of the market may or may not be a conservative trading strategy. This depends on the sector of the market and assets in the account relative to the investment’s concentration level.

Broker misconduct has occurred if the broker in charge of the account made an unsuitable recommendation or took an unnecessarily risky position in the ETN or ETF. If you suffered significant financial losses as a result of the unnecessary risks of your broker, you may have a valid securities arbitration claim. To find out more about your legal rights and options, contact an investment fraud lawyer at The Law Office of Christopher J. Gray at (866) 966-9598 for a no-cost, confidential consultation.

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